Adult Family Sailing; Cruising

For all boating---sailing and cruising; powerboating and paddling; anyone who’s interested and the love of being on the water!

Click here for: 

AFSC Docs 
AFSC Facebook
♦ See Suggestion Box below 
♦ If you have any questions, comments; input, ideas/suggestions or requests, contact Randy 847 809-4821 or you can use the Suggestion Box below. Thank You!

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Any interest in Sailing and Cruising; Powerboating and Paddling/Paddle Sports---you, family, friends? How would you/they like a best, “nothing like it, “can’t be beaten” Sailing; Boating program that has it all and more, and all included in your membership?!

  1. Go Sailing, Cruising, Powerboating and/or  Paddling just about any time you want.
    (Don’t need to own a boat and perfectly okay if you don’t.)

    • Tuesdays, Thursdays and Bi-Weekly Saturdays (and other times)!

    • You and your whole family!

    • On 12 ft. sail to 30 ft. keelboat; powerboat; kayak, canoe or paddleboard.

    • Plus a Club Sailboat to sail on, and skipper on your own (with crew) after passing a Club Sailboat Qualification.

  2. Bi-Weekly Sat. Day Sailing & Cruising (Sail & Powerboating)--Kenosha, MKE, Port Washington and Sheboygan.

  3. Learn, grow or improve your Sailing & Cruising anytime; any way you would like! For example:

    ★ Mentoring; coaching
    ★ How to learn improve sailing (11 ways)

    ★ Sailing Action Plan                

    ★ 16 Fun Learn Practice Sailing activities

    ★ Virtual Sailing and Simulations

  4. Socialize, make friends, be part of a team, family or community. 

  5. Have 10 Special Events/Activities to go to on top of the Sailing & Cruising ones.  

  6. Gain any crew; company, and sailing & boating with other boats you want if a boat owner.

  7. Plus BOA (Boat Owner Assistance) with anything that your boat needs!

  8. Have slip and storage plus membership for about the same cost as just slip and storage elsewhere!

  9. Can provide input, ideas, suggestions and requests anytime. 

    It’s your Sailing & Boating--- Sailing & Cruising; Powerboating & Paddle Sports program.  Make it what you want!

♦ If you and your family would like any of the above, then the Racine Yacht Club (RYC) and its AFSC (Adult Family Sailing; Cruising Program) are for you, your whole family, and anyone you know who has a Sailing & Boating interest.

♦ Don’t wait to find out more. Contact Randy, AFSC Coordinator 847 809-4821 right away, and

♦ Explore, cruise around AFSC Docs and Facebook

♦ For Membership info, contact Ryan Blasiak Membership Director

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